Friday, January 23, 2009

Late Night Blogging

IT's almost 5am and I'm in one of those "can't fall back to sleep" moods. Lately, I've been having problems with waking up (usually do to my night owl husband) when there are loud noises. I tired to fall back to sleep but my mind starts to race before I can shut it off. I tried taking a bath to relax, but no luck.
While I was in the tub I was thinking about my pregnancy up to this point and how much I have NOT enjoyed it. I feel some women find this their time to shine, to embrace the process of life. I feel like a frumpy, tired, emotion hag. I wonder if I would be able to enjoy it more if I wasn't so over worked with full-time school and work. However, that is neither here nor there. I just feel like there is no time to enjoy the process, no time to breath or just be with myself and body. My meditation teacher said a quote today that really rang true for me "he lived a few steps away from his body." This could easily be said of me too.
As I sat in the tub tried to think about all the pros and my list consisted of: a new experience in life and the excitement of when I feel Hoju kick.
My Cons were much greater in length including: fatigue, acid reflux, sinus congestion and nosebleeds and hormonal. The list goes on, but for the sack of trying to become more positive I won't go into it.
I need to find a good balance so I don't look back at this time and think "why didn't I take the time to enjoy this once in a lifetime experience?" It's just hard when I'm trying to pay the bills and ensure a better future for me and my family. When do I find time to smell the roses? Or maybe all the roses went away...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

getting bigger and bigger

Well- Hoju is officially kicking and hard! Tay and I think it's a boy now because we both have had boy dreams, but who knows? We will find out in less then 2 weeks. Here is an update on my growing progress: Fortunately, I never claimed to be the prettiest pregnant woman! Also if my sisters can reframe from talking crap about my weight gain that would be awesome, thanks!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

cloth diaper class

Yesterday, Taylor, myself and our friends John and Amanda (who is a week 1/2 due after me) attended our first pre-baby prep class on cloth diapers. I'm very glad we went because there are so many different types of cloth can be overwhelming. Plus they all range in prices and it was nice to see the advantage of each type.

There is the prefold diaper, which is the traditional type, just one big cloth you fold (least expensive), but you have to buy protective covers so they don't leak. In addition, you can get them in a variety of fabrics : cotton, hemp, fleece... Also there is a new way of fastening them with this plastic gripper (no one safety pins).

Cloth Cover
Plastic diaper clips

Then there is the fitted diaper, which takes the work out of folding the cloth, but you still need a cover over it.

Next there is the more convenience/more pricey all-in-one diaper: which is basically the same as a disposable diaper, but instead of throwing it away you wash it (no cover needed). The one set back is you have to buy more as your child grows because they come in small, medium and large.

Finally there is the One-size diaper. This diaper is the same as all-in-one, but it has adjustable buttons on it so you can shrink or enlarge the diaper as your baby grows.

There are a lot of convenient accessories to go along with cloth diapers:
Such as the diaper sprayer you can easily hook up to your bathroom toilet (the teacher hooked hers up in 7 minutes) or diaper totes with really cool patterns and plastic lining so you put the dirty diapers in it when you are out and about.

In the end I must say, I feel more confident in my disposable free diaper choice. I will have to try out each type to see what works. I think I will register for some of this stuff too.