Saturday, January 30, 2010

Play date

Here is some video of Elliott and Koji playing together. They are 1 month apart to-the-date.

digging up the yard

We found out we had a leak in our main water pipe when we got a bill for $200!! After the city came out and looked at it they determined it was on our side and wouldn't pay for it. Our home owners insurance wouldn't either due to the fact that our house and yard were not damaged. So once again our parents came to the rescue! We spent a few days filling containers up with water and running up and down the stairs turning the main water line on and off when we needed to use it. Luckily, we got this all taken care of within a week. I can't believe the luck (or unluck) we are having. Thanks, to our parents we have been able to get by this past year or so.

Here are some pictures:

Elliott at 8 months

Elliott is 8 months! He is in a really fun phase right now and I'm loving every moment with him. He is learning so much: rolling on his tummy to grab things, drinking from the sippy cup, holding his own bottle and sitting up.

His favorite things are jumping in his play set, grabbing at the pets, spitting in faces, and babbling.
His favorite toys are: toy cell phone, foam book, rattles, and pokey.

Monday, January 25, 2010


When Taylor and sold our house and decided to move for one moment I was tempted to buy a RV and travel around the USA. I looked at Taylor and said "lets do it!" Taylor was not ready for such an adventure....
But I love to read about people that do things outside the box, especially those who live like Gipsies! There is something so refreshing and inspiring about living an non-conventional life style. Some day (hopefully sooner than later) I want to join the ranks too.

Apartment Therapy featured an awesome article on people just like this: click here
I love this article because the family converted an old RV into a Veggie oil roadster! The couple, along with their 3 year old daughter hit the road traveling around the USA teaching sustainable living.

Oh how I would give anything to be on the road traveling, while the wind blows in my hair and the dogs stick their heads out the window with their big doggy grins!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The song that sums up my life

You know when you hear a song and all of a sudden you think "was this song written for me?" Well today I was listening to Jeremy Enigk and the song "World Wait" came on... yep sums up how I feel.

World wait forever never
Take the time
don't break my heart

World wait forever never
take the time
don't break my heart

Though I wanna take the time
By nature of design it's so hard
To arrange
So hard to explain

The way beyond your heartache
No time for our love
Your moment away beyond
Your heartache
No time for our love

World wait forever never
Take the time
Don't break my heart

World wait forever never
Take the time
Don't break my heart

Though I wanna take the time
By nature or design
it's so hard to arrange
So hard to explain
Then running delayed beyond

A way beyond
Your heartache
No time for our love
Your moment a way beyond
Your heartache
No time for our love
No time for our love
No time for our love

Want to listen to it: click here

Friday, January 15, 2010

Wilsures in SLC

For the holidays me and Elliott went to SLC for a week.... Tay came a few day later.
We enjoyed our time there and it was really nice to have family who wanted to watch
Elliott while Tay and I got to go out and actually have some alone time. Elliott loved
getting attention from all his family and it took awhile to get him to not cry and want to
be held all the time when we came home. Here are some pics from the trip.....

Elliott LOVED Curtis.. we don't know why!

Mike Morgan with Elliott

Jaime, Jameson and Elliott

Carmen and Elliott

The 2 grandmothers!

Cito (Elliotts great-grandma)

New Years Baby (Kira got him this outfit!)

Tay and Elliott on New Years Eve

Grandma Leasure bathing Elliott

Kitty and Elliott loved the same things!

Hanging out with Grandma

Paula and Dash

Mark and Dash (look at those blue eyes!)

me and Bailey in our similar outfits.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Don't make a loud noise

or Elliott will freak out! I know this is mean, but I also find it hilarious! Don't judge me!