Tuesday, September 14, 2010

3 Years in Denver

We have officially been in Denver for 3 years! A lot has changed during that time...I feel more so than any other time in my life. And YOU have not come and visited me once since I've been HERE! (except if your name is: Carmen, Kelly, Lauren, Gaza band, Thayne, Brain, Mike, Ian, Mom, Curtis, Sophia, Shauna and Mark Williams.) So now that my life is not sooo crazy I'm extending an invite to visit, I recommend Summer or Fall... because winter sucks.

Anyway here is a little ode to our last 3 years:

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Little Thrasher

Veggies for Everyone!

I love growing a garden. It reminds me of my childhood in Idaho because my parents always had a huge garden and we would eat from it all summer long. I loved going out and looking for the beans, squash and other veggies growing in our garden. It's something I want Elliott to experience and enjoy the deliciousness of fresh veggies, just can't beat the taste!
This year we grew: beans, peas, zucchini, tomatoes, carrots, beets and cucumbers. This was the first year I actually grew big carrots!! I've been making salads with my carrots, tomatoes and cucumbers and I have to say they are awesome. Elliott loves beets, zucchini, and cucumbers. Taylor likes nothing (except peas and carrots) HA!

Elliott was unsure about what to do with a carrot

Dad teaching Elliott how to clean carrots

Elliott holding one of our "smaller" Zucchinis

Aspen and Elliott play some ball in the backyard

Boots waiting for someone to pet him

Freshly picked Carrots

Anyone need some beets and carrots?

Friday, September 3, 2010

Isn't this what life is about.............

I love that I finally get to spend time with the ones I love in the great outdoors........

The Great Stupa Trip

For our first weekend together (no work!!) we decided to take a trip to the great Stupa in Fort Collins. It is located at the Shambala Mountain Center where you can go to many Buddhist meditation and yoga retreats....if I had the money and time I would like to go to one.
What is a Stupa you say?
Well this is what I got from the website, "Stupas are said to promote harmony, prosperity, longevity, good health, peace, and freedom from ignorance. They subdue fear, corruption, and pollution, and bring blessings to the environment in which they are built, to those who build them, and to those who visit and venerate them. In this way, they ensure that the living quality of the Buddhist teachings will always be available."
It's a very beautiful place and like all places that people come to contemplate it has a special energy to it.
This place is special to me because two years ago in Oct. we went to see the Stupa for the first time and it was the day I found out I was pregnant with Elliott. I told Taylor at a gas station on our way up. Lauren was also there and we told her later that weekend. When we went up to the Stupa that day it was cold and wet and everything had frozen ice on it and it seemed as though the forest was covered with crystals. As Taylor and I sat staring at the beautiful view, a deer came down from the forest and stood watching everyone and grazing. It was such a peaceful and surreal experience.

This second trip to the Stupa was on a warm summer day. We hiked all around the grounds and Elliott loved running around in the fields. Please note that in the pictures Elliott is wearing 2 different shirt due to a big blow out! Luckly, I always pack an extra onesy.