look at that head of hair!
Me in Labor
Elliott was born at 36 weeks and 4 days on May 28, 2009 at 5:22 p.m. He weighed 6.4 pounds and was 19 1/2 inches long.
At around midnight I woke up to what I though was me wetting the bed. I went to the bathroom and noticed it was clear and when I tried to stand up it wouldn't stop. I quickly went downstairs to Taylor who was playing video games and told him I though my water broke. Taylor jumped into action gathering the essentials: the laptop, movies, phone chargers....While I grabbed our day pack and we headed off the the hospital.
The nurses put me in a room to test the liquid to make sure it was my membrane, it was... we were going to have a baby! Soon they had us in the labor and delivery room. Taylor and I waited for a few hours to see if I would start contractions, around 7 a.m. the doctor said I was and so they would wait to see how far I could go. Around 11 a.m. I was tired and my contractions were not becoming stronger or more consistent. So I requested some petocin. A few hours after the petocin I was having stronger contractions and was dilated to a 4. At this point I was tired and decided to have an epideral. This was the best decision I had made all day! After the epideral I was able to get a few hours of rest, where I dreamed of all the good food I would eat when I was done. Around 5 p.m. the doctor checked to see how far I was dilated... it was a 1o! He said "let's have a baby!"
At first it was hard for me to push because I couldn't tell when the contractions were, but as they got stronger I could feel the pressure and was able to get really into the pushing action. Within 20 minutes Elliott has arrived. Taylor was totally fascinated by the whole process and active in his birth, helping me count and encouraging me during the pushing... he even cut the cord. Elliott came out crying and they put him right on my chest. Because he was born a few days before "officially" being full-term they did test on him and brought in a specialist to make sure his lungs were all good.
Elliott is perfect and doing well, he took to breast-feeding right away and is working on his strength to keep it up. He also receives bottle feeding to help him gain weight. He likes being wrapped up like a burrito and loves to hear mom and dads voice. Wish you all could be here to meet him, as I know he will grow up too fast!
As my title states: I became a queen bee yesterday and it feels amazing.