Monday, March 15, 2010

9 years in the making....

Today is mine and Taylors 9 year wedding anniversary! So many things have happened in those 9 years, but I thought I would try to narrow it down to the 9 best things since we have been married:
9-buying our first home on Hampton Ave.
8-both graduating college
7-Moving to Denver (what a leap of faith!)
6-Lying in our hammock together
5- camping trips with our dogs and friends
4-being able to laugh at stinky pants
3-traveling all around the world together
2-being pet parents to gwar, aspen, pippen, boots, psuedo, and joey
1- and you probably guessed it.... becoming Elliott's parents.

Here are some pictures of our wedding day!


Kira said...

Hey, that's 10 things (you over-achiever!) Congrats to you guys! Great pix...I hadn't seen a few of these. It was a really pretty wedding. So springy. I love this time of the year... daffodils, flower buds, birds. Good time for an anniversary.

Do something fun!

Unknown said...

Ha! You're totally right... I'll take out #10 -our honeymoon, since that can count as part of our travels!