Wednesday, October 28, 2009

First 30th b-day present.........

I came home from a snowy day at work to a package from Salt Lake City that was sitting on the counter. It had to be a gift but what could it be.......

For night Blogging

So that is what I did.....
I love them!

Thanks Kris and Bailey!

Elliott at 5 months

Can you believe he is 5 months! He has started to roll over on his own, he started eating solids, he love squash and sweet potato! Elliott laughs all the time. This will be his first Halloween and I can't wait to get pictures of him in his costume. Taylor and I think he looks a little like grandpa Dan in his 5 month picture!

Monday, October 26, 2009

School Update

So I'm in my 1st semester of my second year. Things are really starting to move fast and I'm already getting prepared for my practicum interviews and internship application.

One subject that I'm becoming interesting in is the death and dying process. I've been reading some good books on the side about this subject in a more eastern philosophy. It's really such a different perspective on death and dying then in the western culture.

One book I really like is Being with Dying by Joan Halifax. She is a buddhist teacher and Zen Priest who has a lifetime experience with being with dying. Learn more about her here.

I also have this book on CD so I listen to it on my drives to and from school.

I also like the book: Who Dies? An investigation of conscious living and conscious dying. By Stephen and Ondrea Levine. This book looks at being conscious about the impermenence of life so we can live a more meaningful life right now.
I defiantly think having a job where being around people who are in the last stages of their life has influenced my interest in this subject.

In addition, a few weeks ago I sat with one of my residents as she passed away and sharing that experience was such a powerful moment for me. It reminded me of birth... this feeling of wonderment and honor for being given the opportunity to share that important moment with her.

I'm not sure where I will go with my training as a counselor, but I always like to find ways to use what I'm learning in the present moment.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

We have a clone

of Taylor

Laughy Guy

This boy loves to laugh

and he loves squash

Pumpkin Patch

Tay and I took Elliott to the pumpkin patch on the most busy day of the year! We spent 95% of the time in the car and 5% at the actual pumpkin patch. Oh well we got some cute pictures!

Friday, October 16, 2009

My Sister Kris is on TV......

in the form of Courney Cox!
Does anyone else watch Cougar Town and think they are filming my sister Kris's life (minus the young boyfriend.. at least not that I know of). HA! I love it! I just can't watch it without thinking of her. Courtney Cox even looks and talks like Kris!

The real Kris
TV Kris

Monday, October 12, 2009

Lots of Firsts

October has been a lot of firsts for Elliott:

First time rolling over

First b-day party

First Fall and snow

First time tasting solids

and soon first Halloween!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Birthday wishes

If you are looking to get this birthday girl a special gift for her 30th b-day look no further! (if anyone still reads this, except Sophia and Lauren- whom I love.)HA!

Lets start off by bragging that Taylor already bought me that Pea Coat I had my eye on from Delias! It's so comfy and warm.

Here is a really cute blouse I like from anthropologie and for $128 I know you all can afford it!
and I love this Jacket from there too for $159

I love Orla Kiely fabric (Elliott has Orla Kiely boxes from target in his room) I want this purse:
Only around $160... HA!

I guess I have set my standards too high this birthday!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Count down

28 more days till my dirty-thirty birthday!