Yesterday I woke up and started to do my make up and realized I had a black eye. I don't know where it came from... it wasn't Taylor from his night terrors because I was sleeping in the other room. I have 1 theory.. the black eye fairy.
We have been dealing wit the stupid loan issues for about a month now. The first bank that we applied for a loan with wasn't sure about the appraisal. So we had another appraiser go out and get a 2nd appraisal. Then the bank decided they didn't trust that appraiser and wanted to send out their own (which took about 5 days). Their appraiser came up with a completely different amount. So the 1st appraiser started argue with the 3rd. Now we are just going with another bank that we hope is not as paranoid. From what I'm gathering it is going much better. We will see (hopefully at the end of the week, but I doubt we will) if this bank is OK with the loan amount for this particular house.
Right now is not a good time to sale or buy a house. The banks just don't trust anyone.