Sunday, September 13, 2009

Wilsure trip to Washington Coast

We went to Coupeville on the Washington coast for Labor Day with the Williams. It reminded Taylor and I how much we love the coast and the ocean. We hope to live by the sea someday.
Here are some pics for your viewing pleasure:

Elliott on the airplane... his 3rd flight!
Taylor, Desmond and Mark

Mary Ann and Desmond

Nanna puts Elliott to sleep!
Taylor is loading Elliott for his cannon ride....
Me and Elliott by the Ocean
Brennan and Tay on the Beach causing trouble
Lee and Mark .. not sure what's going on!
Our hike with strollers (bad idea!)

Desmond crying......
and Elliott is not amused

Mom and Elliott at the coast
Muscles everywhere!
great view..
More scenic shots:

Here is a video of Nanna Williams making Elliott Smile and Desmond crying


Amelia said...
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Sophia said...

You look awesome! Goodbye baby weight! Trip looks so pretty and fun.