Saturday, April 26, 2008

Birthdays in April

Fancy pants Elayna

Kim and Max

Kris and Bailey

This month is the twins and Laineys birthday.

Today is my sisters birthdays, Kim and Kris.
The twins might have the same birthday but have influenced my life in different ways.

Kim was born first, she's the sibling that I remember took care me when I was young. Kim would always dress me up and buy me cute clothes. I remember when she went to Hawaii she brought me back a hula outfit and a stuffed koala bear. I still have the bear today, it's always been my favorite stuffed animal. Sometimes when I really would throw a fit about going to preschool, Kim (and Kris) would take me to their college classes. I LOVED it! I had fun times in the backyard with the twin learning gymnastic moves. When I moved to Utah, I would go and visit Kim and my friends every summer for a week. Kim would take us to the drive in movie and Lava Hot Springs to go rafting down the river. One visit I got food poisoning and Kim took care of me for a week.
I've also see Kim as a guardian. When I was young Kim and I were out at the reservoir. We were floating in a canoe and a boat came too close and tipped us over. I was too young to swim and didn't have a life jacket. I just remember swallowing a lot of water and then feeling Kim grab me and pulling me up. Another time Curtis and I were riding home with Kim and we hit a patch of ice. We started spinning and heading for the traffic at the stop light. I don't know how, but Kim was about to get us to stop by hitting a snow bank.
I remember when Kim got into her car wreck. I was thinking that our family would never be the same if she was to leave it. I'm so glad she is part of our family and continues to influence my life is positive ways.
Kris has always been the fun loving sister. She always tries to do nice things for everyone. One of my birthdays she took out all the sisters to Dracula ballet and out to eat. Kira and I got to get pedicures too. She loves to organize family events and we have had great times going camping with the family. Although we haven't for a few years, camping has always been a fun time being with the siblings...... we need to start doing it again. One year we all played football on the beach and Curtis ended up getting a wicked sunburn. That year there was a fire alert so at night we couldn't have a fire! HAHAHA!
Kris always puts extra effort into making family gathering special... which we don't always appreciate. Like the time Kris tried to get us to write a little poem about the person we had for christmas! Some of the siblings participated... some of us were not having any of it! HAHAHA! Bless Kris, she tries so hard to make everyone feel special and loved.
I don't feel I got close to Kris until I was older. Especially when she moved to SLC. When I was younger I felt like Kris was much more into hanging out with Curtis and Kim was the twin that hung out with me. I'm glad as the older I get the more I get to know Kris and bond with her on a personal level.

Also Tomorrow is Laineys birthday. I still remember the day she was born. Marks first child and the first grandchild in like 6 years. The whole family was sooooo excited and we waited for hours for her to come. Kim, Kris, Curtis, Sophia, Mom and Dad, Tay and myself were all in the waiting room. She was such cute baby and we really doted on her. She is now an energetic kid and a big sister (on her way x2).

So Happy Birthday to Kim and Kris and Lainey... I love you all.


Sophia said...

I love this post, so sweet and thoughtful. Better start thinking of something good for my birthday, like the time you farted in my face at seven peaks.