Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

To all the moms out there, especially my mothers. I'm so glad I have two great mothers who are always there for me and will be coming to help me out when Hoju is born next month. I must admit I'm getting nervous about not having anyone there but Taylor and myself. I've missed out on having a female mentor me through this pregnancy and it has been taxing at times. I also get nervous about not having anyone around after the baby is born and doing things on my own by trial and error. These are the times I wish I had family support close by.

Anyway, back to Mother's Day....Tay surprised me last night with a little gift and a cute card for Mother's Day. He said I was close enough and he wanted to recognize all the hard work I've put in this year. What a great man!

Here is a picture of me at 33 weeks!


Sophia said...

Oh man! That is a great belly. You will be great, I am not worried about you at all. I am always a phone call away.

taylor said...

I am indeed a great, but jobless man.

Carmen said...

Maybe I can come out once we're back from Mexico and lend you hand.. give you a little break! Let me know what you think... I could just gobble the little ones up.