Monday, July 27, 2009

Our summer visit to Utah

The family went to Utah to introduce Elliott to everyone. Curtis was the first one in my family besides mom to meet Elliott.

We were lucky enough to have my parents let us stay with them and Elliott LOVED being cuddled by Grandma Leasure.

Sophia and Curtis hosted a BBQ for the Leasures and Williams sadly on the hottest day ever, but we still managed to have a fun time.... Thanks so much! And also a BIG thanks to everyone who brought food for the event.

Deacon loved to dirt.
Elliott met his cousin Desmond!
Proud Grandmas!
Paula, Dash and Elliott (wish I could have spent more time with Marks Family)
Second round of Leasure grandchildren

Erik's family

Kris and Blake, Kim and Harry
The Williams Family
Chelsee, Mary Anne and Shauna

We had fun with Kris and Bailey at the Country Club.

Elliott laid out with his Aunt Kris

Taylor and I had fun hanging out with our good friends and I was excited for Elliott to meet Jameson (Jaime and Brian's baby boy)

Brian and Jameson and Jaime and Elliott
Elliott love Carmen!!
It was really hot in Utah!
Elliott gets to meet one of my oldest friends, Melissa!

We were able to have a good time at the Williams and although his was really gassy, Elliott was happy to be with grandma Williams again!