Sunday, April 18, 2010

I'm almost ready for summer

I just need a few more things to create the most relaxing summer ever! Maybe one of the following will work:

Retro double glider at Lowes for $189

Hilard Bistro set at Kmart $289 for the set

Wicker swivel cafe' chairs at Target 2 for $700

This awesome Capri round lounger at Pottery Barn on sale for $999.

I can just see me, Tay and Elliott reading, playing and napping on this baby...well a girl can dream right!! Anyway, mothers day is coming up so maybe I can find something for my yard by then!


Larn said...

i think you can only have that last one if you have a swimming pool. so maybe set taylor to work digging one. and while he is at it, he can set up a trampoline. then i will come camp out in your backyard all summer long, which i am sure you will love.